Thursday, November 5, 2015


A creepypasta is a horror story created by regular people -just like you and me- with the only idea of SCARING the reader. It can be fictional as well as based on true stories...the one you are about to read was taken from real life. 

Jeff the Killer is one of the best known worldwide creepypastas and, once, one of the biggest serial murderers. This is the reason why we decided to tell his story.

His real name is Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, the story begins when he and his family move to a new home because the father had been offered a job with a good salary. 
One day, when Jeff and his brother Liu were waiting for the bus, suddenly they are surprised by three boys on skateboards (these would have been 11 years old; they were only a year younger than Jeff and Liu). 

At that time one of the guys takes Liu’s wallet. Jeff threatens them and tells the boy to return the wallet to his brother. The guy pulls a knife and just before using it, Jeff breaks his wrist and takes the knife, the other two guys tried to escape but Jeff reaches them. He attacked, leaving one stabbed in the shoulder and the other one with a big punch in the stomach that breaks him down. 
Jeff sees the bus was coming and takes his brother and run. 

The next day, Jeff gets up from his bed and goes into the kitchen where he meets his angry mother and two police officers accusing him and Liu of assaulting three boys. Jeff, having no evidence that he was defending himself, confesses he had attacked the boys and his brother had nothing to do with it. But then Liu took a knife and put it in front of the cops, showing his bruises and saying he was to blame. 
Jeff tried to help him but the policemen believed Liu’s story and took him prisoner. 

During the following days Jeff and his parents just felt sadness and loneliness. 
One morning, Jeff's mother wakes him up saying he had to go to the birthday party of the son of Jeff’s neighbors. He was depressed for his brother and refuses to go but his mother made him forget about Liu and go anyway. 

Angrily, Jeff takes the most elegant clothing he had (which consisted of black trousers, a shirt and a white hooded sweatshirt) and went with his parents to the party. When he arrived, he only saw adults talking and some kids playing cowboys. Jeff thought one of the kids was staring at him, as asking him to play. He refuses because he believes he’s too old to play childish games. But the boy kept staring and finally asked him to join the game. 
He gave in and took a toy gun and started shooting at the children. 

For the first time in many days he had fun and was happy, but that happiness did not last long because the same guys who had assaulted Jeff and Liu crashed the party to get back at Jeff with knives and guns. Jeff fought with all his might and managed to kill two of the boys but during the fight, he ended bathed in chlorine and alcohol and very hurt, and when Jeff could not fight anymore, the third boy set him on fire. 

Jeff ends in the hospital, wearing a cast and his body covered in bandages. His mother told him that there were a lot of witnesses at the party and that there was a huge possibility of Liu being released. He was happy and hoped to see his brother soon. 

During the following days, Jeff’s recovery was almost complete. When the day came to take off Jeff’s bandages, his family was very nervous and did not know how his body after catching fire. When the doctor removed the bandages, his mother started screaming with fright and his father looked at Liu, shocked and terrified. Jeff gets up and looks in the bathroom mirror. He said: 'Perfect, this face shows WHO I TRULLY AM' and starts laughing nonstop. The worried mother asked the doctor what had happened and the doctor said 'it must be the anesthetic we gave him, but if it continues that way, bring him in to run some psychological tests' 

That night the mother was out of bed after hearing strange noises coming from the bathroom. When she looked in the room, he saw his son Jeff with a smile carved from ear to ear and black eye burns. The frightened mother asks who had done that and Jeff answers 'After a while smiling, my face started to hurt, so I carved a smile to always see my own beautiful face'

Then, his mother asked about the burns in his eyes. He replied 'After watching myself for a while my eyes started to shut down so I burnt my eyelids to always see my beautiful face' 

At this point the mother runs to her room to tell her husband Jeff had gone mad and wanted to kill them and they should do something. 
Liu, after hearing the screams, wakes up but -being so tired- goes back to sleep just before closing his eyes and seeing Jeff completely covered in blood. 

Liu tried to scream but his brother covered his mouth and just before stabbing him, he says 'GO TO SLEEP'

This is a true story. Nobody ever knew what happened to Jeff…he might still be out there. 

Hans Fritzler, Micaela Cruz and Camila Monteros – 3rd Year

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