Monday, July 6, 2015


Every time we step into the classroom and we see our students’ faces, we think about two main things: will they get to the end of the year having learnt something? Will they feel this space is meant for their self expression?

We have to admit that, sometimes, we have serious doubts about both. It’s clear that our first thought depends on us, but also on them. But, what about the second thought? Do teachers actually give their students the opportunity to express freely?

Since I started teaching in secondary school, I ask myself the same thing: what can I do to help them say what they would like to say and not feel judged by saying it? How can I help them be more creative, use their imagination and discover their hidden talents?

When this year began, I was asked to start a new project: our own school newspaper. It seemed difficult at first, and my head was swimming in uncertainties and fears. Would I be able to make this idea come true? Was I ready to help my students overcome THEIR fears and show them the potential I knew they had? Would they be collaborative?

Despite all of this, I managed to pull it together and give them the good news. To my surprise, most of them reacted positively. They felt this ‘space’ was truly theirs, a place where they could talk about things they were interested in and show the world that they were capable of producing their own articles. The excitement of becoming writers was now their reason to investigate, to read and to learn about things they wouldn’t have learnt on their own.

This is just the first step of a long journey ahead. We stand side by side and work equally hard to fulfill our goals. The imposed distance between teachers and students starts fading. Trust increases.

Although we can make mistakes (and we definitely will –because mistakes are beautiful-) we are learning now how to be responsible for our own words, how to accept criticism in a mature way and how to make our thoughts count.

Personally I need to thank one of my teachers, my dearest Silvia, who gave me this very same opportunity eleven years ago. Her guidance and passion helped me find my true voice and overcome my fears. Without her, this couldn’t have been possible. Wherever you are, you were and are one of my greatest inspirations. Thank you.

A big 'thank you' to every person that has helped this project come true. This is for you too.

All you have to do now is read on and enjoy!


Bárbara Toral – Editor/English Teacher

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