Monday, August 3, 2015


Technology influences us in ways that we don´t believe or imagine. It gives us benefits when we use it limitedly and it distracts us when we use it unconsciously, without moderation.
These technologies facilitate the development of society and they give us tools to solve problems that appeared to have no solution.
Nowadays, society is known as an ‘information society’ because technology caused this change.
Now, the people are using technology to communicate; we are losing the habit of ‘face to face’ communication and therefore personal relationships. We have lost our dialogue; we don’t go to libraries anymore, and so on.
We are less dependent on the people around and we are more dependent on technology.

To confirm this idea, we decided to interview people from different generations to see what they thought about technology: a teenager (17 years old), a housewife (44 years old) and a lovely grandmother (75 years old). Here's what they said. 

BerthoTimes: What are social networks? We refer to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, among others.

Teenager: They are part of the ‘Media’, a way to keep society informed.
Housewife: A quick way to stay in touch, because if I compare it with when I was a little girl and I have to send a letter to San Juan, the answer comes to me in a month.
Grandma: I don’t know them.

BT: How often are they used?

T: It depends on each person. There are certain people who are dependent of them and others who are independent. I am dependent on this case because now instead of answering the question, I am answering a Whatsapp message.
H: Exaggeratedly.
G: I do not know them. I have no idea.

BT: What do you think of the initiative of leaving electronic devices aside when socializing?

T: I think it’s a good idea, that way people would talk to each other personally again.
H: Good, It should be left aside (the mobile phone) because people don’t look at you when they speak anymore.
G: I would say that, before technology, we didn’t live with our mobile phones in the hand…we didn’t look like zombies like you do. You can live the same without a mobile phone and if you don’t have one, you just look for a public phone.

BT: Is using the mobile phone a disadvantage during class?

T: No, because I use it to pass tests sometimes. I think this is right…
H: During class, it shouldn’t be used. It is important to have it on you all morning because a responsible parent knows when to reach his or her child. If you were a teacher, would you let a student answer a phone call from his or her mother?
G: It is a disadvantage!! A huge disadvantage because you do not learn anything! You learn things half-way! If I ask a teenager what happened on October 12th, they have no clue!

BT: Are you annoyed when people are using their phones and other electronic devices all the time?

T: If I'm talking about something important and they don’t listen, it is. If it’s not important, then it doesn’t bother me.
H: Yes, because they are disconnected from reality, and they don’t pay attention in the street, adults talk to them and they don’t listen to us because they are aware of the ‘Clin clin’ (phone’s ringtone) and don’t even listen to their mothers!
G: Yes because… I'll tell you: They don’t pay attention when they are crossing streets, railroad tracks. They look silly.

BT: What would you change of technology? 

T: Nothing…it is perfect the way it is; except that it is constantly evolving…and I can’t keep track!
H: There should be a little more privacy because, when you don’t know how to use it it can bring you trouble.
G: Leave those bloody mobile phones or, at the most, use them ONLY when you need them! Back in my day, we waited 15 YEARS for the mobile phone to be invented…and nobody died waiting! Now, if a teenager doesn’t have a mobile –and the last one launched- he or she ‘dies’. They go to the toilet with the phone, just in case. It strikes me because it is foolish. I don’t mean technology overall…but mobile phones!

So…what do YOU think? Are YOU alienated by technology and social networks? It's time for us to leave electronic gadgets aside and start talking to people personally, admiring the world we live in. There's so much beauty! 

Cecilia Gliubizzi and Candela Córdoba - 5th Year

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