Thursday, September 3, 2015


Aquarius (20/01 - 18/02)
It is time for you to clarify confusing situations and achieve what you want. Your confidence in yourself has increased the chances of success in negotiations that, so far, seemed impossible. What you had desired comes true, but you must do your part, do not forget that. Everything is amazing for you because some things that seemed negative or caused you pain in your love life, no longer hurt. Do not exaggerate certain family problems.

Pisces (19/02 - 20/03)
The second fortnight an event will occur that will make you reconsider the way you were seeing that recently known person and that can change your emotional reality. Be smart and open-minded about business, better opportunities are ahead. All you have to do is embrace that transformation.

Aries (21/03 - 20/4)
You'll find yourself in the middle of a tone of emotional stability that is ideal in order to strengthen a relationship. The direct influence of your ruler Mars brings you happiness. Your partner feels more attached to you. If you are single, you will conquer that person that interests you. It is your stage of improvement and strengthening health. Attention! The work originated at home or related to land purchases and sales is well hosted on Monday. Follow your hunches, but do not embark on any activity for which you are not well prepared, apply your intelligence and experience in what you do well.

Taurus (21/04 - 20/05)
Love smiles, and fortune too, but do not get ahead of yourself. If you talk too much, you could get involved in compromising situations in your love or social life as though there is a very positive traffic.

Gemini (21/05 - 20/06)
Do not say anything arising out of an impulse of the moment if your words can hurt others. Work carefully and there won’t be problems for you due to the transit of Venus. Be careful with what you say, try to control your loose tongue.

Cancer (21/06 - 20/07)
Conditions are given for you to solve many situations that had you restless, thinking perhaps that the circumstances were turning against you, when the truth is otherwise. Follow your hunches and inner impulses because there is much truth in them and chances of success. If you have an emotional companion, quietly enjoy with your partner and do not be put off by grumbling when an important decision has to be made in your personal life.

Leo (21/07 - 21/08)
Close people rely on you more than you think, so you can ask whoever you want the help you need and they will not ask anything in return. Your family and friends love you unconditionally, realize it.

Virgo (22/08 - 22/09)
There is a good economic development around you that will allow you to gracefully exit complicated legal situations and catch up on your payments and obligations. In a few days, fortune will bring very pleasant surprises.

Libra (23/09 - 22/10)
You are correct, polite and diplomatic, as is characteristic of your Libran sign. You need a touch of optimism, and that's how you should always see life, leaving aside the sad thoughts and ideas that cause you unnecessary worry.

Scorpio (23/10 - 22/11)
You get a tremendous boost for dating, if you're single, or consolidating your relationship. The best is about to happen. Talk as clearly as possible, if you consider it necessary, with a distant relative who, somehow, is trying to interfere in your affairs. You do not want an unnecessary conflict for something that is not important; but you can set the record straight, and you should do so as soon as possible.

Sagittarius (23/11 - 20/12)
Old loves that can alter the current affair will appear. Try to entertain and celebrate with your partner, even go on a date. You have to know that others are not the enemy, but sometimes behave as such. Be patient.

Capricorn (21/12 - 19/01)
Your love life is about to change. You need movement, passion, emotion and frugal adventures. The change dominates your life, it is necessary. Watch your actions because then you have to face consequences.

Rocío Nieto, Luciana Ramos and Camila Jourdan - 3rd Year

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