Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Are they a good or a bad thing?

We’ve found ourselves in this situation: we are sitting with our friends, trying to share a nice moment of conversation with them and they are all playing video games or checking ‘Instagram’ or ‘Whatsapp’ on their phones. Has this ever happened to you? 

Nowadays, teenagers are born in a generation to which using phones is a common thing, but are they a benefit?
These days, boys and girls are constantly looking at their phones and parents wonder, is it really necessary?

As teenagers, we are checking our social media all the time, it may be because we’re bored or we don’t realize we are doing it at all. However, we depend on them because is the easiest way to keep in touch with our friends no matter where we are. But when it comes to paying attention to other things like school, do they interfere?

When we talk about learning, it’s hard to concentrate having our phones next to us. We have to turn them off or silence them to focus on something. Also, when we go out with our friends is very usual to find everyone staring at theirs instead of interacting with each other.

When did we get to be this way? Why don't we enjoy a 'face to face' conversation anymore? 

In conclusion, we think phones are really necessary when it comes to being connected with family and friends but the way we’re using them might be very excessive. 
As a result, we need to use them with responsibility, so they don’t take away an important part of our lives.

Take our advice...

Analía Yonamine and Florencia Tubío - 4th Year

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