Thursday, October 8, 2015


In Fuenlabrado and Madrid, you will notice that half of the stick figures and road signs at pedestrian crossings and traffic lights are now wearing skirts!!

It is said that these images around us can shape our attitudes and that our discriminatory attitudes must change. They are not the only ones who believe this. In other countries like Austria and cities like Atlanta in the U.S.A., the street signs are changing too. In the Austrian capital, half of the baby changing signs now shows a pictogram of a man changing a baby.

It is believed that this is part of a campaign against gender-based stereotypes and sex prejudice.

Some people think that these changes won’t really make a difference if the biggest myth-making machine (the media and society) continues to reinforce gender stereotypes.

Adverts usually present women only as a ‘decorative object’ to sell items for the household; on the other hand, men figures are rarely shown doing housework.

Indeed, an analysis of a teen magazine for girls recently revealed that 46% of the pictures and content were about appearance. By contrast, the same study proved that many magazines show boys as ambitious, successful and competitive. Boys are encouraged to achieve whatever they want, while girls are told that –in order to be successful- they must look good all the time.

It is thought that if this difference doesn’t change, stereotypes will persist. However, if we look back to the treatment of men and women by the media fifty years ago, it’s CLEAR that progress has been made. Gender equality has a lot to do with the way we transmit information…and signs just do that.

In Argentina, we have progressed in certain aspects: we now have a law that reinforces the possibility of getting help in case a woman has problems getting pregnant; we have given homosexuals the right to marry who they love; we even have risen together as citizens to ask for special protection towards women harassed by their husbands or boyfriends, trying to stop the unrestrained murder of females.

Nevertheless, every time we turn on the T.V. and watch the news, we learn that things did not change and are even getting worse.

The first step is the recognition of men and women EQUALITY. A way to show this is, as we have stated, through public images and signs.

Will we ever adopt this idea too?

Sorrentino, Cáceres and Carreño – 3rd Year

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